Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Abyss

 I fetched water from deep oceans blue,
All my strength’s worth and more
Poured into the Well. Oh! Silly me.
The precious jewels I dug in caves dark as night
I threw them all in, yellow ones first
Then in went the reds.
I picked the white,
Each cut reflecting brilliance on my face,
In it went. It fell and fell.
It only fell.

Not an echo of a wall struck.
Not even the sound of a splash.
Only hollowness, it traversed.
In went the sleepless nights
Tears cried on the lonely pillow.
Angry words died in the bottomless pit too.
Hopes of It overflowing thrown in bales
Wreathed in the songstress’ odes.
The Pit never fills.

Withered flowers, ashes of poems burnt,
The warm breath on shivering nights,
Remembrances of the fondest kind.
Take them, please. Take all of them.
As an abyss must. And barter, if you want.
Pay not in kind, if you wish not.
Do so in dreams I dreamt,
And in seconds and sighs and drops of tears.